Monday, October 31, 2022

Phantom Ghost Poop

 It wouldn't be Halloween and it wouldn't be spooky if there weren't those stories that were simply unexplainable.

Those random happenings, that movement barely caught out of the corner of your eye.  The feeling of being watched.

And we always hope the ghosts we encounter are of a benevolent character and not ones that send chairs flying across kitchens, or reach out with cold skinny fingers and tickle the back of our necks.

This morning we had an apparition that has confounded us all, leaving us wondering "what next?"

Our morning ins and outs went off flawlessly this morning.  Everyone was ready for back yard potties in preparation for a hearty breakfast.

I have a camera on the patio and honestly that thing alerts practically minute to minute as the canine population enters and exits the building at will.

On my last trip out to make sure everyone was back inside I noticed a disagreeable "offering" close to the back door.  I mean it was not a pretty sight and since we have had some tummy upsets in our bunch over the weekend I thought I needed to see who left such an unpleasant reminder and job for me.

I pulled up the camera and watched clip after clip  7:29...poop not there poop....7:32 nope....7:40..still nothing and on and on up to 7:48....clean as a whistle....7:49....there it is!  And yet, no offender has been captured on camera.  

Now we have had a kitty that intrudes but honestly during all that time wouldn't the dogs have clued in to its presence?  My nemesis, Sir Squirrel could be the culprit, but did he repel down from the patio ceiling, hovering and releasing quickly and zipping back up?  Perhaps, the offender has watched The Matrix too many times and knows how to avoid detection and death by laser beams.

It is a mystery.........and I am not entirely sure why I have to be the recipient of Phantom Ghost Poop.

But....I cleaned that mess of nastiness and thoroughly bleached the area.  I realize that I need to seek help, I'm not sure if I need an exterminator, a live trap or an exorcist....but depositing your remains of the day by my door is simply not acceptable.

Happy Halloween...........and POO!

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Phantom Ghost Poop

 It wouldn't be Halloween and it wouldn't be spooky if there weren't those stories that were simply unexplainable. Those random ...