Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Referendum of Hate

 America is waking up this morning without answers.   And, if you think for one second this is accidental then I have some lovely property of the Coast of Delusionistan selling very cheap.  We are watching the continuation of the overtaking of our election process by the American media.  The media whose very presence on election night drives the wheels one way and then the other.  Why?  Because it makes good TV and no one wants to prepare to pull an all nighter on the air and wind up going home around midnight.  And, they all seem to want to have their "I told you so moment."

In my opinion, nothing should be reported until every single polling place is closed.  To do otherwise has an impact on the psyche of Americans.  My guy is ahead so I'm tired I'll sit this one out.  Or, my guy is losing so it doesn't even matter.  And then they sit there and call a state for a candidate literally 15 minutes after the polls close, but another candidate has been leading in a state all night and "it is just too soon and too close to call."  Some of you must still be falling for the dose of castor oil disguised in a spoon full of grape jelly.


I'm going to venture to say that this morning the Red segment of our country is waking up exhausted from being up all night waiting for a result that never came.  We will be readily recognized by the bags under our eyes and the nodding off at our desks throughout the day.

Furthermore, I'm pretty sure the Blue section went on off to the land of Nod and slept like babies.  Why?  Because in the end if Biden has won, they can chuckle to themselves about their win and defeat of Cheeto Man and his cultish followers and really not think about what happens next.  And, if Trump had won, they would all double down in their 401ks, buy some more stock and sit back secure in the knowledge the economy would be booming and they would get to take advantage of it even though they despised the guy.  He was, after all, great for their bank accounts.

I will not believe for one second that anyone voted blue out of an adoration for Biden.  We all know he's a trojan horse, a useless puppet for the far left progressive wing of the party.  They voted for him because that was the best the Democrat party could offer and most importantly, THEY HATED TRUMP.

In a country where hate crimes are supposed to be actionable, we just perpetrated the biggest hate crime since Hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish nation.  Outraised, outspent in every direction, our President worked his butt off for US.  He didn't sit back and let huge money people pour millions of dollars into the election.  He took his fight to the ground with his policies and his promises.  He built a lot of his campaign on the contributions of small donors like me and millions of others like me who had nothing to gain by his win but a better tomorrow, a hope for the future and a country to leave to future generations.  A country not withering under Socialism but thriving with Capitalism.

He was the first person since Reagan that made me feel like he knew who I was and where I was and what my struggles were.  My life has been so much better with him in the White House.  Does he make me cringe?  Often.  Did I sometimes want to spank him and put him to bed?  Most assuredly.  But, I wasn't electing a moral compass (I have my own), or a smooth operator aka snake oil salesman.  I wanted a leader and by God, he has lead us.

Since I watched the tide turning in favor of the President late last night, watched the stock market responding with positivity and then I saw as soon as those things happened the referendum of hate stepped in, suddenly states stopped counting, media outlets refused to call states he had been leading in all night long and then calling for Biden as soon as the polls closed in others.  This morning we are hearing, maybe Friday.  Both sides have legal teams forming, Pelosi is frothing at the mouth tasting her own potential road to the White House, there has been untold billions of dollars spent...........on elections!  Elections, people.  The one thing that money should never be able to buy.  But, there it is.  How many homeless people could have been lifted out off the streets, how many poor black families lifted out of poverty and set on the road to self improvement, how many drug addicted young people could have been treated, how many little children with no warm place to sleep or enough food to eat could have enjoyed a better life and the American dream.  But no.  We have America for sale....and not cheap.

Our elections have been a disaster since Bush/Gore and the Hanging Chads (remember that lack o'talent garage band of yesteryear?)  Well, that one was sort of funny and looking back it was a piker compared to what has come after.

After almost four years of nothing but foot dragging in Congress, miles and miles of baseless accusations and hearings that went on ad nauseum, corruption so rank I can smell it all the way here and a continuous coup to unseat a President, we all we deserve an immediate answer.  The old phrase "shoot up in here amongst us, one of us needs some relief" has never rang more true.

Win or lose, one thing I can tell you is this:  I never voted my hatred of anyone...not the Democrat party and not Joe Biden........not even Nancy Pelosi.  I voted out of for my country and all it can and should be and love of my family that I want to see standing in concert lines instead of bread lines.

Over a month ago I asked the question "Give me a reason to vote Biden without mentioning Trump"  I did not get one single answer.  So, the only thing I am left with to reason out what is happening now is there was no reason other than a wide spread Referendum of Hatred and I'm pretty sure that feeling is extended to me as well.

To my Republican friends we may not be able to carry this day but we can carry others.  We can turn off the biased news and social media platforms.  We can avoid Hollywood celebrities at the box office and we can vacation (if we ever have the money to do so) in states that share our values.  We can rediscover the real America that we know and love but we will have to make big adjustments in our thinking and way of doing our daily lives.

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