Cross stitching has been the one hobby that I have continued to stay with. Others come and go and I've actually done many other craft projects that I'm very proud of. But cross stitching stays. For me the biggest challenge in beginning a new project is finding the center. It is crucial for the way I work to find the exact center of my fabric and of my pattern. Once these are a known factor I start building my piece, stitch by stitch from the center. The proper name for what I do is "counted" cross stitch because you are transferring a paper pattern's symbols for colors, etc. onto a blank canvas by counting each stitch in order to replicate the picture shown in the pattern.
There is a spiritual lesson in my craft.
It occurs
Finding center is almost vital in life and all of its activities.
Centrally located - easy to find for everyone.
The game can't start until the center snaps the ball.
The level has the bubble in the center.
But what about us? Are we centered?
Centered and grounded do not necessarily mean intractable or immovable. It simply means we have found our emotional and moral center and once those are found we find a peace there.
Being centered is NOT the same as SELF-centeredness. To be self-centered is to have an overreaching concern with one's self......"self love" (a big buzz word these days).....egotism. Being self-centered usurps Biblical ccommands to love and care for others, to not pass judgment on others, to bear others' burdens, and to be kind and forgiving. Self centeredness is directly opposed to the clear command, "No one should seek their own good, but the good of others."
Our dedication to self-love is rebellion against God's authority and is rooted in the fleshly desire to please ourselves more than God. We supplant God's authority with our own ego.
The past few years have done much to ground me and more importantly to help me find my own center. At my core, I am a decent person who loves hard and forgives easily. I do have a difficult time forgetting....well, except for this morning when I appeared at the drive through window of Burger King without first having availed myself of their ordering process. I am not selfish, nor am I guilty of excluding people who have differing ideas and beliefs.
In finding my center, I found myself. My true and authentic self which as it turns out was the person I always was but kept squashed down under perceived expectations of who and what I should be. I had lost myself but God knew where I was all along. And I realize that He was waiting for me to realize that He made a version of me that pleased Him and to try to be anything else would knock me off balance. Tilting to one side or another long enough makes it very difficult to swing back to center unless you hand the reins to One who loves you best and allow Him to plant your feet firmly on the solid rock that is dead level.
Today, I found God in a cross It was only a little stitch, but He was waiting there right in the center.