Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Muddy Track

 Much is being said this week about the celebratory attitude of some over their huge accomplishments in making things better for the "common man".

You know who isn't celebrating?  The common man.  You know those people who are watching retirement funds shrink at an alarming rate, groceries go skyrocketing up and up, the inability to find products that they actually need in their every day "common" baby formula.  Those "common" people who are lucky enough to have jobs, are starting to see diminishing work due to supply chain issues, over reaching contol by those "celebrants" and they start to be uneasy about their future.  I'm not crazy about the term "fixed income" because really aren't most of us on a "fixed income" - even those with jobs still have to live within the confines of a budget.  But the celebrants don't.  They can have what they want, when they want it, where they want it and how they want it because the "common" man is out there sweating his life away to make sure there is money in the coffers of the "celebrants."

Our country is a muddy track right now and the "common" man is the only one slogging through while mud collects on his shoes and clothes, weighing him down, slowing him down....eventually he will tire...

And stop.

The "celebrants" tell you they are working hard for you.  But, their entitlement belies their empty words.  From their walled in residences and lofty perches in the seat of power, they look down on the "common" man and laugh.

They used to be careful how they said they are emboldened and just speak their disgust in plain and disparaging words.  How many ways do they have to say it, Deplorable, Trumptards, Neo-Nazis, there is literally nothing to vile to describe a very large part of our country.  And they don't stop and they won't stop.

The whole celebration we are observing right now is evidence of their disconnect with humanity.  And while there are some who are wondering how they can be so oblivious to what is actually happening,  they really aren't.

What they are celebrating is the fact they have been able to do exactly what they have always intended on doing.  Driving America to its knees, making its' citizens fearful and timid, making us look to the seats of power for help instead of depending on ourselves.  Every time you see one of them with their big popping eyes, pointing fingers, clenched fists and angry faces preaching in front of backdrops designed to intimidate, there is another nail driven in the coffin of our country.

And you want to do a victory lap?  I sure don't.  I am just going to be content to still be in the race as long as I am allowed to be.  And I do realize that for some....admitting that voting from a position of hatred was likely the biggest mistake you have ever made and therefore, you must stick by your choice even as your own well being goes swirling down the toilet.  But, if you are really honest you have to know this guy, the big guy....was an abysmal mistake and failure.  And he is also merely the dancing grinning puppet on the strings of someone else who is calling all the shots.  Someone who has no love for our country.

Are you going to let this happen?

We often for change.  Well, yes please to change this muddy track to a nice sandy loam with a hard base so that we can all take a victory lap.  And pray....always pray for discernment in your thinking and for the ability to see the big picture when making your decisions.  For truly God is still on his throne and we are still his children who He promises to love and care for.  If we start really putting him into the equation, maybe He will heed our cries.

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