Saturday, November 7, 2020

Let It Go........Not Likely

Get over it. It’s Done. It's over. Shut up. The same people who have been crying in their beer for four years are telling others to get over it in 4 days. It doesn't work that way. We all get to process at our own speed. Some of us process quickly........others not so much. Remember this
For supporters of the current President this means that we get to have a minute to have a minute. He is still the President until January 20. 2021. That may be an inconvenient truth for a lot of you but unfortunately it just is. The new President (who still has yet to be determined). Yes, I know the election has been called by the media but according to our way of doing things, it is NOT the media's job to call it. But, the bigger question here is WHO is really going to step into the White House? I mean, really? In any case the new President isn't going to take his shaving kit and camp out in a spare bedroom for 2 months. And so, for the next 2 months you are most likely still going to see flags in support of the President.And, you will see a lot of American flags, some flags supporting law enforcement, The sad thing is that you never noticed those flags before, they have always been there at the center of our belief system. None of the signs, flags, caps, etc are necessarily protesting the election....but because we are supporting the beliefs we hold most sacred and the man who fought for us for 4 years while a pack of rabid dogs nipped at his heels some people are instantly "triggered". Patriotism is scary. Maybe because it seems to have gone out of fashion while we work through the laundry list of feeeelings about everything. It seems to cause no small amount of personal pain for some people to know that you can actually support a cause without tearing something up to do so. We don't feel the need to drive by your gatherings and flip you off, scream vile words at you, try to hit you with our cars (maybe that was an accident this morning and maybe it wasn't) but I saw you and I'm guessing you saw me too smiling my biggest smile and waving at you just in case it was an accident.
Conservatives are builders, we don't tear down. We have a deep and abiding respect for personal property....not just ours.....yours too. We are also people who not only fight for our own right to speak but we fight for the rights of those we don't agree with as well. And we also try to give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. This mindset is as foreign to the radical left as tofu is to me. Elections come and go, Presidents come and go, we all come........and go. But America remains and those people you are denegrating today are some of the people who fought for all of us, who had family members who died for all of us and they are people who will work to rebuild this country at the end of this season in time. We are not passivists and you should not mistake us. The one thing we will stand toe to toe with you on are the preservation of those Constitutional rights afforded to us by the framers of this great Republic.
I would like to tell you that you are all going to reap the four years you gave all of us, but that most likely won't happen. Because we are a little busy trying to keep the country running with our skill, our taxes and our American ingenuity. A whole lot of you only know what it means to stand with your hand out and let the government place your entire life neatly wrapped into it. So, it might be good to remember who makes all of those "hand-outs" possible. That would be us, the tax payers. Those people who right now are looking at a reality of jobs drying up due to everything being funneled overseas. Rampant inflation and all the really nice parting gifts from our foray into Socialism. Just remember, when we can't do it, you can't have it because the government doesn't make it....we do.

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