Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Message From Your Leadership

I'm sure you've been watching.  We haven't been observing creeping inflation.  We've seen it shoot to the top like a bullet.  We have watched the neccessities of life double and even triple in price.

People in small businesses were already struggling after 2 years of mandates, lockdowns and fear mongering....and now the cost of doing business has become ridiculously difficult to bear.

People with small children have been forced to choose a job over staying home and monitoring the cyber learning of their kids which has put a strain on their financial and mental health.  Worry and stress is not good for anyone....in fact....it's a killer.

Elderly people who have a set amount coming to them from the government are now making life threatening choices between eating and medicine.

You may ask yourself....why do these people in leadership over our country not act in the interest of their people?  Here's why.  THEY.DO.NOT.CARE.  Not even one little bit.  In fact they are eating this up with silver spoons, grinning over their boutique ice cream and champagne and patting themselves on the back over how smart they are and how well their plan worked.

And so, we ask again "why don't they care."  The reason they don't care is that they literally have never ever had to contemplate the daily life and death choices you and I are making.  They've never built anything with blood, sweat, tears, and hard work.  They've never had to trudge to a dead end job that didn't fulfill them just to put food on the table for their family.  They've never had to make the choice of do I buy my blood pressure medicine or do I buy noodles.

They have no empathy because they have never been here.  They have sat in that shining city on the hill for decades, insulated from real life.  And they've gotten filthy rich doing it.

And what are they doing instead of trying to "fix" what is happening?  They are busily figuring out ways to squash any attempt to speak out, to try to bring focus to the real struggles.  They are freezing bank account, threatening people with loss of utility service, banking service, insurance coverage, and on and on and on.

And what really concerns me is that all of this is simply okay with some of you.  It's the price we have to pay for supporting a person you didn't like.  You remember that guy who had our economy rolling in a big way, building, hiring and reasserting the American dream of free enterprise and hard work and freedom.

And so the next time you are at the grocery store trying to decide why the only thing you can afford is Ramen noodles just remember.......somewhere, someone in authority over our country is saying to you "I really don't care.  I don't care how much you struggle as long as we are allowed to drive this country into the dirt and make it worse than any 3rd world country in the world.  I don't care because I will be alright and all you are is an inconvenience and an obstacle in my way to world domination."


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