Thursday, July 8, 2021

The True Heart

Today, I laid back on the couch and encountered a warm, yielding little furry body lying behind me.
I turned my head and put my ear on that little body and heard
 the soft constant rhythm of his little sweet and true heart.  He never protested, he never moved, he never indicated he didn't want me there.  He stayed and let me hear him breathing and living.

A dog might possibly have the truest heart of all creatures.
He loves unconditionally
He loves joyously
He loves constantly
He loves when you most don't deserve it.

And, I know I don't deserve it...a lot.  Plenty of humans make me aware of my shortcomings quite often.
My dogs never do.
They are happy with whatever crumbs of myself I have to offer.
Their sadness when I leave is replaced by joyous welcoming on my return.
Sometimes they rend my flesh in their enthusiasm to see me.
They never crush my heart.
One day they will, with their lack of presence in my life, but it won't be on purpose.  It will be something they can't help.  Something inevitable in life.
The price we, as humans, pay for the privilege of great unconditional love will be the pain of having them only in our memory.
And so, listen to your dog's life spirit, breathe in the air they emit and let them breathe in you.
Try to emulate the true heart that comes so easy for them.


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