Friday, October 30, 2020

Holding Pattern

 It's almost over........or it's almost about to begin.  Our country has began the united effort of holding our breath.  I've been quieter than usual, not because I've lost interest.  My interest has actually deepened a lot over the course of the last 2 weeks.  But, I honestly feel I've done almost all I can except for that most sacred right I hold as an American.  I will go vote on election day, because for me that is exciting.  To show up on THE DAY and exhibit that some things are worth standing in line for.  The future of the country I will leave to my grandchildren is that important for me.

I'm not influenced by polling, I've seen it wrong time and time again and to me it is a machination designed to influence voters.  "Oh well, it's already decided, I don't need to bother."  It may very well be, but I will have my box checked on my own ballot anyway.  Even if my husband and I were of two different political persuasions and our votes would effectively cancel one another....I would still vote my own mind.

For me, the choice is clear but I have people I love and respect who are just as clear on the other choice. I'm not sure why because over a month ago I asked for a reason, any reason, without mentioning what people didn't like about the current President.  I didn't get one single answer.........not one.  I found this illuminating.  I might have been teetering on the fence, rethinking my own positions, and no one could give me a single reason to switch.  I look at that and wonder.  Would that work well in other situations as well.  An unsaved soul looking for direction and the only reason anyone would give me to lead me to light was "I hate Satan."

Please understand I am not comparing our President to the dark overlord of hell.  What I am saying is simply not liking someone is not sufficient data to convince a thinking human being to do differently.. I have been convinced for a long time that Trump was a man convicted by God and confirmed by God for such a time as this.  Over and over, the Bible tells us and shows us that God loves to use someone unimaginable.  To do a great work for God when you've done great works for Him always, is impressive.  But, most impressive of all is when He plucks someone from the weeds and says "You.  I choose YOU."  

Our collective plane is in a holding pattern.  What happens next is up to us.  Most of us have done all we can do to wield what little influence we have over others.  Now it is time to pray as earnestly as we ever have for the future of this country that has given us everything.

It is time to show the world what Americans are made of.  Grit, strength, determination, hard work, faith, compassion, truth and justice.  America HAS always been great.....we forgot that for a season, but for a lot of us that greatness has returned to us in a blazing fire of patriotism and the wish for our grandchildren to see for themselves what we know to be true.  There is no where else on earth like America.  There are no people on earth like Americans.

Phantom Ghost Poop

 It wouldn't be Halloween and it wouldn't be spooky if there weren't those stories that were simply unexplainable. Those random ...